Terms and Conditions of Enrolment

1. International Student Enrolment Conditions

  1. All enrolments are subject to the conditions set out in this document. This document forms a binding contract between the New Zealand National Trade Academy Ltd (NTA, "the Academy") and students enrolled at NTA. Enrolment at NTA constitutes full acceptance of the conditions laid out herein.

  2. NTA reserves the right to refuse enrolment to any applicant in the interests of the welfare of the Academy, the applicant, or other students at the Academy.

  3. Once an application for enrolment has been received students may be asked to pay a $1000.00 deposit into the Public Trust account. On receipt of this NTA will send an invoice requesting payment of the balance of fees in full.

  4. When the applicant has paid the fees in full into the Public Trust account, they will be sent an "Offer of Place" and a receipt of fees, including administrative and any accommodation fees. Enrolment is then complete.

  5. The Offer of Place is valid for 14 days from date of issue. Remittance of the fees in full constitutes the student's acceptance of the Offer of Place. NTA may enrol students after the Offer has expired, but the Academy reserves the right to alter conditions of enrolment, including course start dates and fees.

  6. The student is not entitled to tuition until the enrolment process has been completed.

  7. If the student wishes to alter the agreed period of enrolment, written advice of the new dates must be provided to the Academy at least seven days before the original commencement date or the new commencement date, whichever is the sooner.

  8. The student is responsible for arranging all visas and travel necessary to take up the enrolment. NTA can refer the student to an immigration agent if assistance is required.

  9. The student must abide by Academy rules for the period of enrolment.

2. Course Curriculum

  1. The Academy reserves the right to alter course arrangements and curriculum at any time. While all reasonable effort will be made to provide timely advice on changes to students, this may not always be possible.

3. Payment of Fees

  1. Course and administrative fees for the entire enrolment period (including re- enrolments) must be paid within 21 days of invoice, at least five working days before commencement of the study programme, or immediately upon enrolment, whichever date is the soonest after acceptance into the Academy has been confirmed.
  2. For a course that is 3 months or longer in duration, tuition fees will be held in trust until 10 working days after commencement of study.
  3. For a course that is less than 3 months in duration, tuition fees will be held in trust until 5 working days after commencement of study.
  4. The fee schedule may be reviewed from time to time and changes in fees will take effect for existing students from the next scheduled payment.
  5. All course and accommodation fees are calculated in complete weeks. For calculation purposes, part weeks are counted as complete weeks.
  6. Accommodation fees shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of section 9 below.
  7. Days when circumstances beyond the Academy's control prevent normal operation (including, but not limited to, natural disaster and civil emergency) are considered as normal operating days.
  8. Fees may be paid by telegraphic transfer, to the Public Trust bank account, details on the invoice or:

    International Payments can be made at nta.flywire.com.
    National Trade Academy has partnered with Flywire to provide you with an easy and secure method of sending international payments. Flywire offers multiple payment options and currencies. Students and payers will be able to track their payments from start to finish, save on bank fees and exchange rates and contact Flywire’s 24x7 multilingual customer support by live chat, phone, and email. To learn more, go to flywire.com/support

4. Cancellations and Refunds

All cancellations must be made in writing.

Before commencement of the course:

4.1 If enrolment is cancelled prior to the intended start date, the student will be entitled to a refund of all fees except enrolment fees.

After commencement of the course: Courses less than 5 weeks;

4.2 If a student wishes to withdraw they have up to the end of two calendar days of the course commencing. NTA will refund the course fee only. Enrolment and Administration fees will not be refunded.

 After commencement of the course: For courses 5 weeks or more, but less than 3 months:

4.3 If a student wishes to cancel further study within the first five calendar days of the course commencing, NTA will refund the course fees only. Enrolment and Administration fees will not be refunded.

4.4 After the first five days of the course, refunds will only be made at the exclusive discretion of the Academy's Director, if the student can prove extenuating circumstances necessitating the withdrawal.

 After commencement of the course: Courses 3 months of duration or longer.

4.5 If a student wishes to cancel further study within the first 10 Working days of the course commencing, NTA will refund the course fees only. Enrolment and Administration fees will not be refunded.

4.6 If a student enrolled in the Commercial Pilots Licence Training Scheme or other Training Scheme operated by the NZ Airline Academy under  sub contract to NTA, wishes to cancel further study within the first 10 Working days of the course commencing, NTA will refund course fees, less $1,000.00 or 10% of the course fees, whichever is the lesser. This clause is subject to the proviso that students are liable for any flight training and or other direct costs incurred prior to their withdrawal from the course, up to 25% of the fees paid.

4.7 After the first 10 Working days of the course commencing, refunds will only be made at the exclusive discretion of the National Trade Academy's Managing Director, if the student can prove extenuating circumstances necessitating the withdrawal.

4.8 If a student takes leave during the course for private reasons, no compensation by way of refund or course extension shall be given.

4.9 If a student is enrolled in a course which is cancelled before the agreed start date, the student is entitled to a full refund of all fees, including administrative costs. The student may request a transfer to a different course without penalty and without incurring additional administrative costs.

5. Absence or Illness

  1. Students are not eligible for fee refunds or reconsideration of enrolment terms on the basis of:
    • Late arrival at the Academy without notification in accordance with section 1.8.
    • Absence during the course without prior arrangement, in accordance with section 7.
  2. The commencement date of study will not be reconsidered and extension of study will not be granted on the basis of any of the reasons outlined in clause 6.1.
  3. If the student terminates the course of study after formal disciplinary action, the student is not entitled to any refund of fees.
  4. Students absent from class for illness for a period of more than 3 days must provide a doctor's certificate upon their return.
  5. Illness is not a basis for an automatic refund of fees or extension of study.
  6. A student may be granted an extension of study on the basis of illness. Granting of such an extension, and the length of the extension granted, is at the sole discretion of the Academy's Director.

6. Holidays

  1. The Academy observes New Zealand statutory holidays.
  2. Statutory holidays are considered as normal operating days.
  3. The Academy may arrange excursions and activities on statutory holidays, and attendance is required for classes and excursions at any other time.

7. Leave of Absence

  1. The student may apply to take up to two weeks' leave within 24 weeks of study, with no penalty and no loss of course fees. Such holidays must be taken in blocks of complete weeks.
  2. Course fees already paid for the holiday leave may be credited to additional week(s) as an extension of the current enrolment period. These fees will not be refunded or credited to another student.
  3. Permission for such leave must be requested at least one week before the intended holiday commencement date.
  4. Students wishing to take holidays under provisions of clause 7.1 for a period less than one week may apply for a full week's holiday but may still attend the class for up to two days during the period of arranged leave.
  5. No refunds or extensions will be granted for unauthorised holidays taken outside the provisions of clauses 7.1 - 7.3.
  6. No extensions of study can be granted for students exercising the provisions of clause 7.4.
  7. Permission for holidays and granting of an extension of study is at the sole discretion of the Academy's Director.

8. Course Attendance and Behaviour

  1. The student must attend all courses and arranged activities and complete all assigned course work.
  2. The student must behave well at all times, including when at the Academy, while on Academy activities or in any other situation where the student could be identified with the Academy.
  3. The student must obey all laws of New Zealand, including full compliance with the terms and conditions of his/her permit to stay in New Zealand.

9. Liability

  1. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that he/she has adequate medical and travel insurance. The Academy cannot be held responsible for any sickness, injury, damage or loss suffered by the student within the Academy or while involved in Academy activities.
  2. Students are recommended to obtain personal insurance cover as appropriate to protect their property for the duration of their stay in New Zealand.

10. Grievances

10.1       If the student wishes to make a complaint against the Academy or its staff, the grievance should be first referred to the student’s tutor.  If the matter cannot be resolved, or if the student’s tutor is involved in the complaint, the matter should be referred to the Academic Director.

10.2       The grievance may be referred to the Managing Director for settlement.

10.3       Matters which cannot be resolved within the Academy may be referred to the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) by phone on 0800 697 296 or  email [email protected]

  10.4      Or if it is a financial or contractual dispute, you can contact iStudent Complaints by phone on 0800 00 66 75. More information is available on the iStudent Complaints website: www.istudent.org.nz/make-complaint